New 2017 Production

Based on an idea conceived by Enrico Bettinello, together with Balletto di Roma and Novara Jazz Festival, Borders explores the interaction between two musicians and a dancer in an original combination of jazz improvisation and contemporary dance.
The project pursues an initiative commenced by Daniele Ninarello and Dan Kinzelman (whose work debuted in June 2016 at the Venice Biennale directed by Virgilio Sieni) and continues Novara Jazz Festival’s research into the relationship between jazz and contemporary dance. The result is a multidisciplinary exploration of the way in which these two arts can pursue new directions and embrace new audiences.
Balletto di Roma’s role in the tailor-made initiative is to bring contemporary dance closer to the public at large through the creation of choreographies for unexpected contexts and settings.
Under the guidance of Enrico Bettinello, the 2017 stage of the project will involve three young artists: Roberta Racis, choreographer and dancer of Balletto di Roma; Francesco Diodati, guitarist; and Ermanno Baron, drummer.